When considering the health and well-being of your feline companion, one crucial decision pet owners face is whether to spay or neuter their cat. These procedures, commonly referred to as "fixing," play a significant role in pregnancy prevention and contribute to managing the pet population responsibly. Before you visit South Federal Animal Hospital in Fort Lauderdale, FL, learn what to expect when getting your cat fixed below:

Understanding Spaying and Neutering

Spaying refers to the surgical procedure performed on female cats to remove their reproductive organs, namely the ovaries and usually the uterus as well. Neutering, on the other hand, involves the removal of the testicles in male cats. Both procedures are permanent and prevent felines from reproducing.

Benefits of Spaying and Neutering

Aside from preventing unwanted pregnancies, spaying and neutering offer various health benefits for your pet. Female cats are less likely to develop uterine infections and have a reduced risk of mammary cancer. Neutering male cats can decrease the risk of certain reproductive cancers and diminish aggressive behavior, such as roaming and fighting.

What to Expect During the Procedure

Before the surgery, our veterinarians will thoroughly examine your cat to ensure he or she is healthy enough for anesthesia. You may be advised to withhold food for a certain period before the surgery. After surgery, your cat will need a quiet, comfortable space to recover where it can be monitored closely for any signs of complications.

Recovery and Aftercare

Most cats recover quickly from spaying or neutering, but it's essential to follow our veterinarians’ aftercare instructions diligently. This may include administering medications, monitoring the incision site for signs of infection, and preventing your cat from licking or scratching the surgical site. Our vets will also schedule a follow-up appointment to make sure it is healing properly.

Contact South Federal Animal Hospital for an Appointment Today

To learn more about spaying and neutering or to schedule an appointment, contact South Federal Animal Hospital in Fort Lauderdale, FL, at (954) 523-8527. Our experienced team is here to provide compassionate care and guidance. When you’re seeking a veterinarian near me, we are ready to assist you!

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